Curaderm Australia – The Truth About Black Salve
When Queensland woman Susan Cohen was diagnosed with a skin cancer tumour on her scalp, she was advised to visit her local naturopath. The naturopath suggested she try curaderm australia, a natural herbal paste that is spruiked as having special powers to target and kill skin cancer tumours.
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The tar-like substance has attracted a loyal underground following among people who are desperate to beat cancer, and doctors warn that it can be far more dangerous than the cancer itself. Black salve contains a cocktail of chemicals that are toxic to both human and animal tissue, and while some manufacturers claim that their salves only contain “natural” ingredients, testing by researchers from the University of Southern Cross has revealed that this is not true. Their investigation found that some of the products contained zinc chloride, a synthetic corrosive chemical, at levels up to 900 times those needed to kill normal tissue. Another contained parts of a white North American flowering plant called bloodroot that contains the deadly poison sanguinarine at levels up to 9,000 times those needed to kill healthy skin cells.
Despite this, the black salve industry continues to thrive, largely because it is unregulated and the public is ignorant of the dangers. This article aims to dispel some of the myths about this treatment, and show why it is not safe or effective. The chemotherapeutic agents solasodine rhamnosides, which are formulated in the cream formulation Curaderm BEC5, are specific and effective treatments for nonmelanoma skin cancers with outstanding cosmetic outcomes. These antineoplastics bind to the rhamnose receptors on cancer cells and trigger extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways in cancer cells whilst being non-toxic to normal tissues.
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